Kinematic indicators contributing to the performance of the skill (Tai Otoshi)

Document Type : Original Article


This research aims to identify the kinetic parameters of Tai Outi. The researcher used the descriptive approach by means of video photography and three-dimensional 3D biomechanical analysis. The sample of the research was chosen by the deliberate way, represented by two players who won the championship of the Republic in Nasiriyah sports club, and the photography and analysis of the skill (Tai Otoshi). One of the most important findings of the researcher was the identification of the most important kinetic indicators of the skill of Tai Otoshi and the most important contribution to the skill level. The most important recommendations were Guided by the values of the averages of kinematic indicators reached as indicators that lead to the improvement of the performance level of Tai Otoshi, the correlation between the results of the kinetic indicators and the skill level of the Tai-Otoshi skill derived from the research was guided.


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