Guide for Authors

  1. Scientific Paper must be innovative and has never been published before.

  2. Authors is responsible for research linguistic audit, and the journal is not responsible for rejecting researches because of its poor scientific or linguistic level.

  3. Authors is fully responsible for any charges of intellectual property rights.

  4. Submitted researches for publication are written in accordance with international publishing standards with following rules:

  • Using Microsoft Word, Times New Roman (font size 12), A4 paper.
  • Whole research should not exceed (15) pages in the following order: title page; abstract; keywords; main text introduction, materials and methods, results, discussion; acknowledgments; declaration of interest statement; and references.
  • Main page contains only the research title and does not contain any information about the author or his/her institution.
  • Page margins (2.5cm) on each side, with page numbering at bottom of pages’ centre.
  • Should be no more than 5000 words.
  • Should contain an abstract of 250 words.
  • Tables are placed in research body and numbered (1, 2, 3 etc.) in their supposed places, and not sent as separate files while avoiding unusual abbreviations.
  •  Figures, images and drawings must be numbered in order with title in their supposed places, and not sent as separate files.
  • Manuscripts have to submitted as single file. These can be Word, or PDF files.
  •  Followed citation system like that used in American Psychological Association (APA) journals when writing scientific references within research and in references list as follows:
  • For Paper published in the journal:

Author's name. (year of publication), research title, journal name, issue volume, pages from - to.

Friedmann, B., Kinscherf, R., Borisch, S., Richter, G., Bärtsch, P., & Billeter, R. (2003). Effects of low-resistance/high-repetition strength training in hypoxia on muscle structure and gene expression. European Journal of Physiology, 446 (6), 742–751.

  • For books:

Author's name (last name, then first letter of author's name, then first letter of father's name, if any). year of publication. book’s title (underlined) - country - publisher.

Toohey, K., and Veal, A.J. (2006) The Olympic Games: A Social Science Perspective. Wallingford, UK: CABI.

  •  For a chapter in a book:

Name of chapter’s Authors. year of publication. Chapter’s title (underlined) – book’s authors. book’s title. country - publisher. pages from - to.

Lock, D., Taylor, T., and Darcy, S. (2011) Soccer and social capital in Australia: social networks in transition. In M. Nicholson and R. Hoye (eds), Sport and Social Capital. Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann P.P 317-38. 

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