The effect of Exercises rubber ban by using the forces of a plodding step sprinter on some variables in the increasing speed stage for runners 100 meters sprinter

Document Type : Original Article


The study aimed to identify step enemy variables in the acceleration phase of the 100m enemy, during which the use of the experimental method to the same intentional strength (20) contestants with level digital featured in the 100-meter competition enemy, where the application of a kinetic analysis to learn about some step enemy variables (number of steps - stride length - time step) in the increasing speed of 100m enemy stage, and after processing the data statistically been reached on the following. Through this study and the limits of nature and characteristics of the study sample and present and discuss the results could be reached the following conclusions: There are significant differences between the two measurements pre and post experimental group in the variables under study for the benefit of dimensional measurement, where the test value (T) calculated higher than the Tabulated value at significant level of .05. also, pilot training program designer effect in the private research group from the traditional experimental training program for the control group and the impact of each step on the enemy and digital level variables. The application of the proposed training program using a training device Alocetk rubber Bastkham reduce the gravitational forces on the enemy variables step (step length step time the number of steps) in the growing stage of the racers speed of 100 m enemy.


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