Effect Of A Rehabilitation Program With The Use Of Air Cups on functional Efficiency Of shoulder Joint with Rotator Cuff Muscles Tendinitis of swimmers

Document Type : Original Article


1 Researcher at the Department of Sports Health Sciences, Faculty of Physical Education, Mansoura University.

2 Professor of Sports Injuries and Physical Rehabilitation Department of Sports Health Sciences Head of the Department of Health Sciences Faculty of Physical Education Mansoura University.

3 Assistant Professor, Department of Sports Health Sciences, Faculty of Physical Education, Mansoura University


This research aims to identify the effect of using rehabilitation program with the use of air cups and know its effect on the functional efficiency of shoulder joint for those with rotator cuff muscles tendinitis , and the researcher used the experimental method using the experimental design through the pre and post measurements of the research group , the research sample included ( 7 ) swimmers suffered from rotator cuff muscles tendinitis and were selected by the deliberate method , and the most important results of the research stated that the suggested rehabilitation program had an effective role in the rehabilitation of shoulder muscles and improve muscle strength , the use of air cups with the program contributed to the improvement of shoulder joint movement. The researchers recommend using the proposed rehabilitation program for swimmers with rotator cuff tendinitis and similar conditions, and the need for early detection and attention to treatment and rehabilitation of the shoulder joint muscles for swimmers after the appearance of pain in its initial stages and after accurate diagnosis, because this enables the speedy treatment and rehabilitation of the injury and the evasion of complications, and conducting more research And studies in the field of injuries and physical rehabilitation using air cups, and interest in conducting more new research on the rehabilitation of the shoulder joint for swimmers because of its great importance for the swimmer.


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