Obstacles of using brands to produce licensed sports products for the Egyptian Football League’s clubs.

Document Type : Original Article


sport management department, Faculty of physical education, Mansoura university, Department of sport management and recreation, College of Sports Sciences and Physical Activity, King Saud University


This study aims to identify the obstacles of using brands to produce licensed sports products for the Egyptian Football League’s clubs. The researcher relied on the descriptive approach, questionnaire was used as a tool to collect data from a sample of 77 marketing managers, executive managers and members of the administration board of some Egyptian Football League clubs (32 Premier League clubs, 45 First Division clubs). Bearing Products with club's brand and putting them on the market illegally and the weakness of market control represent the biggest legal obstacles. The club's marketing efforts focus on other matters that club’s administration considers to be more important than the licensed products. The economic difficulties in society and the high prices of licensed products represent the most important economic obstacles. The Egyptian League clubs that (do not have popularity) suffer from the obstacles under study (legal, economic, cultural, administrative and sports obstacles) more than clubs that have large popularity, and this is very clear with Military and companies clubs.


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