Design models to explore the dynamics of change management in sports organizations

Document Type : Original Article


sport management and Recreation department, faculty of physical education, Benha University


the research Aims to identify design models to explore the dynamics of change management in sports institutions. The research relied on the descriptive approach due to its suitability to the nature of the research and to achieve its objectives. The researcher chose a deliberate stratified sample of (42) individuals from the research community. The basic research, through the researcher's findings, concludes that the change management models that can be used in sports institutions in organizational change were (Kotter model - Kobler-Ross model for change - Deming Cycle model (PCDA) - Motivation theory model - Mackenzie model - Adkar model for change management), which can be used one of them or combine more than one model within the sports organization to bring about the process of change , and that the applications of change management within The sports institution is to consider the process of change a priority for future goals and to use a flexible structure that supports the administrative process, implementation of the change strategy depending on the ability, skills of the workers and the interest of the sports institution in the skills of the director of the institution in administrative work to serve the process of change, and through the results reached, the researcher recommended the use of the most appropriate and effective change management models to achieve change for sports institutions, and the integration of more than one model of change management models to get rid of Inertia and resistance to change among workers in sports institutions.


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