"Building an electronic scale of psychological attitudes towards the hockey course in light of the Corona pandemic for students of the second year, Faculty of Physical Education - Mansoura University".

Document Type : Original Article


Department of Curricula and Teaching Methods of Physical Education - Faculty of Physical Education - Mansoura University.


The current research aims to build a tool for electronic measurement of psychological trends for students of the second year, Faculty of Physical Education - Mansoura University, towards the hockey course in light of the Corona pandemic. (Second) Those who studied the Basic Principles of Team Games (Hockey) course for the academic year 2019/2020 AD, and used the validity of the arbitrators, and the validity of the factor analysis to verify the validity of the scale / the stability of Alpha Cronbach.
The most important results of the research were as follows: Building an electronic scale to identify the students’ psychological attitudes towards the Basic Principles of Team Games (Hockey) course among students of the Faculty of Physical Education, Mansoura University, and (5) extracted factors were reached total of 73 statements, which are:
 The first factor: It included (24) phrases, all of which refer to the tendency towards personal traits.
 The second factor: It included (14) phrases, all of which indicate the trend towards self-knowledge.
 The third factor: It included (14) phrases, which in total indicate the trend towards the applied practice of hockey.
 The fourth factor: It included (17) phrases, all of which indicate the tendency towards facing pressures
 Fifth factor: It included (4) expressions, which, in their entirety, refer to the trend towards motor satisfaction.


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