The reality of social media marketing in sports clubs

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Sports Administration, College of Education, Mansoura University, Dokiliya, Egypt

2 Department of Sports Administration, College of Sports Education, Mansoura University, Dakahlia, Egypt

3 Department of Sports Administration, Faculty of Sports Education, Mansoura University, Dakahlia, Egypt


This research aims to identify the reality of marketing through social media in sports clubs, and the researchers conducted an exploratory sample of (50) members of the general associations in sports clubs, from outside the main research sample and from within the research community, and a basic sample consisting of (572) members of the associations The general research in sports clubs, and the research tools included a questionnaire form prepared by the researchers, and the most important conclusions of the research were that the sports club does not take into account the quality of sports services provided by the sports club to the beneficiary, the club does not have studies or research on the beneficiaries of the service, and one of the most important recommendations of the research was the necessity Using the modern concept of marketing with the need to convince club officials of the philosophy of this modern concept, the need to amend the organizational structures in the sports club to add a special department for sports marketing and work to improve the accuracy of testing workers in sports marketing departments so that their qualifications, experiences and abilities fit with the work required of them and the need to pay attention to continuous training for those in charge of Sports marketing operations, in order to keep pace with the progress in marketing methods and the use of electronic commerce in Marketing tournaments and sports matches in the sports club.


Main Subjects