The Effect Of Kinetic Balance Exercises On The Time Of Loss Of Balance And The Level Of Performance (Unso - Kata) for karate players

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty of Physical Education


Abstract: The research aims to identify the effect of motor balance exercises on the time of loss of balance and the level of performance of the motor sentence (unso - kata) among karate players. The motor balance in question had a positive effect on the time of loss of balance for the experimental group, and it led to an improvement in the physical variables under discussion for the experimental group in the dimensional measurement, and also led to a positive impact on the level of performance of the motor sentence (unso-kata) under study.

The most important recommendations were the use of kinetic balance exercises in the educational and training programs for karate players, the importance of using the device (Sterelts) in measuring the time of loss of kinetic balance during the training and evaluation stages in Karate, the need to pay attention to the diversity of means and methods for developing kinetic balance because of its importance in improving skill performance. For kata players in karate, more research should be done by applying kinetic balance exercises to all different age stages


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