Product creativity and its relationship to the quality of recreational sports activities

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Sport Management, Faculty of Sport management, Damietta University

2 Department of Sports Recreation, Faculty of Physical Education, Mansoura University


This research aims to determine product creativity and its relationship to the quality of sports recreational activities in sports clubs in Dakahlia Governorate. The research was conducted on a sample of (115) individuals from boards of directors, managers and employees of sports clubs. The general initial data of the sample, a product creativity questionnaire for sports clubs with its axes, and a questionnaire about the quality of recreational sports activities in sports clubs with its axes, and the data were collected using document analysis and questionnaires, and the collected data were classified, tabulated and analyzed statistically and followed appropriate statistical methods through the Spss program. The researcher used the descriptive approach to suit the nature of the research.

To reach the most important results of the research, which confirm: There is no discrepancy between the degrees of the study sample between the creativity of the product with its axes and the quality of the recreational activities of the sports clubs in its axes, depending on the type of the sports club, the club is fully prepared to launch new and innovative products within a short period of time, trying to manage the sports club Constantly improving and developing;


Main Subjects