Effect of Aerobic Exercises With Intermittent Fasting on Body Composition And Some Physiological Variables Among Obese Women Practicing Sports

Document Type : Original Article


Department of Sports Health Sciences – Faculty of Physical Education – Mansoura University.


The effect of aerobic exercise with intermittent fasting on body composition and some physiological variables among obese women who practice sports .The research aims to identify the effect of aerobic exercise with intermittent fasting on obese women. The researcher used the experimental method on a sample of seven obese women, in addition to three exploratory sample women. The researcher used the training approach, designing the pre and post measurements for one experimental group, and the most important results were That intermittent fasting bodes well in the treatment of obesity. So far, intermittent fasting, whose benefits include improved lipid profile and body weight loss, Also, aerobic exercise has a positive effect on physiological variables, body weight and body circumference
Aerobic exercise with intermittent fasting leads to a positive improvement in obese women by improving body weight and surroundings, as well as improving cholesterol, triglycerides and lipoproteins, as well as improving kidney functions and liver enzymes.


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