The Effect of High Intensity Interval Training on Some Biochemical Variables and Weight Loss for Obese Women

Document Type : Original Article


Mansoura University


The present study aimed to identify the effect of high intensity interval training (HIIT) on some biochemical variables and weight loss for obese women. There were 18 participants (9) women for the experimental group and (9) women for the control group. Subjects were required to perform three sessions a week for 12 weeks. The experimental group showed increased significantly in the hormone leptin (59%), cholesterol (42.6%), weight loss (27.4%), a decrease in fat (39.4%), increase of high-density lipid HDL (16.4%), and reduced LDL low-density lipids (22.5%) (p < 0.05). In conclusion, the current study suggests that important of using (HIIT) on obese women because of its positive effect in the process of losing weight, reducing the proportion of the hormone leptin in the blood and lowering the percentage of lipids in the blood .


Main Subjects