The effect of using small-sided games on the accuracy and speed of the individual pressure emerging football juniors player's

Document Type : Original Article


Facualty of physical eduCation


The study aims to identify The effect of using small-sided games on the accuracy and speed of the individual pressure emerging football juniors player's. The experimental method has been used to fit for the purpose and research, using the experimental design of two groups, one experimental and the other controlled, and the strength of the experimental group reached 20 players, and the researchers designed two tests to measure the level of performance of individual pressure. Weekly training The most important results were that the program of mini-games proposed in this study led to the superiority of the experimental group on the control group in the level of performance of individual pressure, as the program led to a high rate of improvement in the level of performance of individual pressure in the experimental group greater than the control group that used the program followed (traditional) and recommends the researcher the need to use mini-games in research in the training programs for young people in football to develop after performance plans for young people


Main Subjects