Set Standard Levels of Special Physical Abilities for Football Goalkeeper Under-14 Years in Dakahlia Governorate

Document Type : Original Article



The objective of current research is to set standards levels of physical abilities for  football goalkeepers under 14 years  in Dakahlia Governorate. The descriptive approach (Survey method) was used,  The sample of the application was 75 guards out of 92 guards, which included clubs (Mansoura - Chico - Mansoura Workers - Talkha Electricity – Mega Sport - Talkha Fertilizer - Dekernes –Al ameer - Talkha - Bani Obeid - Sinbillawin), and used the validity of the general analysis to verify measure validity and midterm retail stability. Within the sample of the research and tests used, in light of research objectives and results through the statistical analysis of  data can be concluded as follows:
The Researchers reached to the special physical abilities of football goalkeepers under 14 years in Dakahlia Governorate, as follows:
First Factor: Muscle capacity: andits tests (vertical jump of stability - pushing a medical ball 2 kg - vertical jump of running).
Second factor: Speed: andits tests (Running 30 m of stability - Running 50 m of approaching 10 m).
Third factor: Flexibility: andits tests (Bending trunk to the front of standing - dynamic flexibility in (15sec).
Fourth Factor: Agility: andits tests (Push up from standing in (10 sec) - Zajzaji running test in Barrow manner.


Main Subjects