Effect of or organizing ultra short Rac-pac training (USRPT) on some phscyoligcal variables and level of Aerobic –Anerobic Endurance for 100 femeal swimmers

Document Type : Original Article



This study aims to recogonize the effect of orgin-izing (USRPT) on some phscyoligcal variables (7) and level of Aerobic –Anerobic endurance for (10.100m), (6.50m) swim – the sample was (6) femeal swimmers from jezera ell ward club in Mansoura, the age mean for them 14.4 years, the reserchers used the experimental curriculum one experimental group for (6) weeks- ( 48 units), it was post- test to compred the pro-test by using statistical procedurs (mean- standerd deviation- median…et all). Study shows that there are statistically signif- icans difference between the mean (pr-test and post test) measurement of the study sample with pr- test at level (0.05) in all physiological varibles, so the training program contributed positively on improvement aerobic and Anerobic endurance for sample and letter improvement the time of 100m swim for sample.                    

Main Subjects